Serving The Austin & Central Texas Mortgage Bankers Community Since 1980
AMBA November Luncheon
November 6th Luncheon - Political Outlook
The AMBA November 6th Luncheon Maggianos - Domain - 11:30a m to !:00 pm
We Are Blood Needs Your Help
AMBA November 14th Blood Drive
Take a little time out of your day to donate blood. We are Blood is going to be at Amplify Credit Union on November 14th from 10:00 m - 2:00 pm. Come donate and get a free Amy's Ice Cream Pint Voucher
AMBA December 4th Holiday Soiree
AMBA December 4th Holiday Soiree
The AMBA Holiday Soiree event is in the works. More to come!
2024 Strategic Partners
Platinum Partners
Gold Partners
Social Media
Robin Hart
Spot Light
Welcome to AMBA Member Monday! Today we would like you to get to know our Director for 2024 - Robin Hart, Branch Manager for Thrive Mortgage. How long have you been in the industry? "I’ve been in the business a total of 34 years. Started in 1984 and took a short hiatus
for the United States Navy." 📣 What has been your biggest accomplishment of your career? "Hmmmm. I guess making Presidents Club and winning the Dorcas Ewell Leadership Award would be the greatest things I’ve been awarded. But helping the kids of folks whose first home
loan I did, to obtain their first loan, was my personal favorite." 📣 Favorite Quote? My new favorite quote is “If you want something you’ve never had, be willing to do something you’ve never done” -Thomas Jefferson
Favorite thing/activity to do in Austin? "Live music and/or comedy, in any smaller venue in Austin. We are so lucky to live in a place where music abounds, and I love to catch new acts around town."